AK06-MM-400-310231-480, VSD rating 299kVA, 400A, FPWM output, NEMA4, 12-pulse input
Borets appreciated the quality of AK06 operation in specific climatic conditions and purchased 15 more stations!
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Borets appreciated the quality of AK06 operation in specific climatic conditions and purchased 15 more stations!
Enterprises in Egypt and Oman use AK06 to effectively manage oil production systems
Enterprises in the Middle East successfully use AK06 VSDs to control oil production systems and ensure personnel safety
VSD AK06 - a reliable and cost-effective solution for controlling Borets submersible units
Egyptian oil companies are opting for VSD AK06. Triol is a supplier of reliable and proven equipment
Triol VSDs work reliably in the harsh climatic conditions of the Middle East, so the choice always falls on the AK06
VSD AK06 - the right choice of the customer in the conditions to maximize oil production and ensure the safety of personnel
A profitable solution for the customer Borets - the purchase of 25 Triol AK06 control VSDs with a high degree of protection from the external environment